Fraud Training Curriculum
- Fraud risk identification
- Preparing the fraud risk assessment
- Integrating fraud testing into the audit program: The fraud scenario approach
- Fraud data analytics methodology: The fraud scenario approach
- Fraud auditing in core business systems: The fraud scenario approach
- Fraud prevention, detection and deterrence programs
- Conducting an internal fraud investigation
- Fraud risk identification
- Preparing the fraud risk assessment
- Integrating fraud testing into the audit program: The fraud scenario approach
- Fraud data analytics methodology: The fraud scenario approach
- Fraud auditing in core business systems: The fraud scenario approach
- Fraud prevention, detection and deterrence programs
- Conducting an internal fraud investigation
Conducting an Internal Fraud Investigation Seminar
Learn How to Conduct Internal Fraud Investigations
Starting with the fraud allegation through testifying in court the auditor will learn how to perform internal fraud investigations. The auditor will learn the skills necessary to lead an internal fraud investigation. You will learn how to perform all the critical elements of a fraud investigation, including planning the investigation, examining documents, linking audit and investigation strategies, interviewing witnesses, writing a report according to legal standards, and preparing for trial.
Practical exercises are based on actual cases with real outcomes.
Conducting Internal Fraud Investigations: Course Modules & Objectives
This course will cover:
- Four elements of a fraud scenario
- Linking the fact and circumstances to the fraud scenario
- Linking the fraud scenario to the investigation plan
- How to interpret the causes of fraud through the red flags of fraud
CPE Hours: 3
Lecture time: 2 hours
Practical exercise time: 1 hour
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisite: None
Learning level: Intermediate
Field: Specialized Knowledge
Delivery Method: Group Live
This course will cover:
- What you should do if you suspect fraud
- Understanding how to navigate the legal system
- Understanding the key legal terms
- Proving intent through fraud concealment
- Ensuring your audit work is protected under attorney work product rules
- How to move from audit to internal corporate investigation
CPA Hours: 1.5
Lecture time: 1 hour
Practical exercise time: 0.5 hour
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisite: None
Learning level: Basic
Field: Specialized Knowledge
Delivery Method: Group Live
This course will cover:
- Building the investigation plan
- Selecting the right investigation theory
- Who should be on the investigation team
- Overcoming the internal obstacles
- How to use the motive and intent to sell your plan
CPA Hours: 4
Lecture time: 3 hours
Practical exercise time: 1 hour
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisite: None
Learning level: Intermediate
Field: Specialized Knowledge
Delivery Method: Group Live
This course will cover:
- Key elements in conducting the internal investigation
- How to prepare your investigation work papers
- How to perform direct evidence cases
- Effective use of circumstantial evidence to make your case
- Controlling the documents; key elements of the plan
CPE Hours: 4
Lecture time: 3 hours
Practical exercise time: 1 hour
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisite: None
Learning level: Intermediate
Field: Specialized Knowledge
Delivery Method: Group Live
This course will cover:
- What you should do when fraud is suspected
- Assessment of credibility of allegations
- How to evaluate allegations of fraud
- Basis for recommending investigations
- Writing the allegation report
CPE Hours: 1.5
Lecture time: 1 hour
Practical exercise time: 0.5 hour
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisite: None
Learning level: Intermediate
Field: Specialized Knowledge
Delivery Method: Group Live
This course will cover:
- Required interview skills and methodology
- How to prepare questions for witness interviews
- The interview intangibles: location, time and psychology
- Types of witnesses
- Conducting the fact-gathering interview
- Conducting the confession interview
- Components of a confession
- What you need to know about kinesics and the interview process
CPE Hours: 3
Lecture time: 2 hours
Practical exercise time: 1 hour
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisite: None
Learning level: Intermediate
Field: Specialized Knowledge
Delivery Method: Group Live
This course will cover:
- Overview of critical elements of proof
- How to prove the act, the intent and the financial gain
- Investigations for theft of monetary funds
- Investigations for theft of tangible assets
- Learn how to write the internal investigation report
CPE Hours: 2.5
Lecture time: 2 hours
Practical exercise time: 0.5 hour
Advanced Preparation: None
Learning level: Advance
Prerequisite: None
Field: Specialized Knowledge
Delivery Method: Group Live
This course will cover:
- Overview of bribery and corruption schemes
- Six critical steps for the investigation plan
- How to establish the Mensa element of your case
- Learn how to write the internal investigation report
CPE Hours: 2.5
Lecture time: 2 hours
Practical exercise time: 0.5 hour
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisite: None
Learning level: Advance
Field: Specialized Knowledge
Delivery Method: Group Live
This course will cover:
- Guidelines on writing the report
- How to avoid the pitfalls of legal language
- How to illustrate damage calculations
- Ensuring your opinions have the required elements
- Understanding how to write expert witness reports
CPE Hours: 2.0
Lecture time: 1 hour
Practical exercise time: 1 hour
Advanced Preparation: None
Learning level: Intermediate
Prerequisite: None
Field: Specialized Knowledge
Delivery Method: Group Live
This course will cover:
- Preparing to testifying in court
- How to communicate financial crimes
- Strategies for working with legal counsel
- Tips on how to prepare to testify
- Tips on how to testify
CPE Hours: 2
Lecture time: 1 hour
Practical exercise time: 1 hour
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisite: None
Learning level: Specialized Knowledge
Field: Auditing
Delivery Method: Group Live
Other Fraud Training Curriculum:
- Fraud risk identification
- Preparing the fraud risk assessment
- Integrating fraud testing into the audit program: The fraud scenario approach
- Fraud data analytics methodology: The fraud scenario approach
- Fraud auditing in core business systems: The fraud scenario approach
- Fraud prevention, detection and deterrence programs
- Conducting an internal fraud investigation
Fraud Auditing, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education (CPE) on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: